Frens - I’ve had three people very close to me say that they will get the shot because they are worried about long term effects after getting COVID. I hadn’t really heard much about this, but a quick cursory search has articles from places like CDC and WebMd and a few articles on people who are still having problems.
I may have missed discussions on this- but is this just big disinformation?
At this point they are just complete dumbasses.
Many studies have come out in the last week saying the Spike Proteins alone cause disease.
BOTH should be avoided at all costs.
Better yet, just get them some Quercetin and Zinc and tell them "Fauci AND Biden take this every day and they didn't get Covid while Trump did."
Shove that down their brainwash antenna and see how they handle it.
If they still decide to get vaccinated, then they were probably gonna just line up for the gas chambers anyway like good little lemmings.
Sorry, had a rough day.
It’s ok, pal.