Asking for myself this is important. My husband has just informed me he’s getting vaxxed tomorrow in order to “make it easier for work”. I know that people have horrible reactions to the vaccine but he doesn’t seem to care so does anybody know what happens if you have sex with someone that has gotten vaxxed? Could really use some info on this as I’d like to continue having sex but I’m not going to if it’s going to do something to me! HIS loss not mine?? I am going to tell him I’ve heard it’s very risky to have sex for 120 days to give him something to think about. I know he can’t hold out 14 days!
Comments (30)
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Nah chief, tell him no more sex period.
Show him the reports that indicate HIV signatures in it and tell him if he goes through with it any sex at all is an assault on your own health.
Say you will indefinitely treat him as if he has AIDS.
That'll get him thinking.
Thank you all. What is so incredibly surprising is that all this time that I have said I’m not wearing a mask I’m not getting a test I’m not getting a vaccine he’s been standing right there next to me saying exactly the same thing. I guess no more sex for him at 69 with me. Well it was a good 30 years while it lasted!??❤️
True. But you can make the exact same argument with men.
Marry a virgin and make sure you align in life goals and beliefs. This whole bullshit about "missing out" is ridiculous.
The people missing out are those that ruin their lives for transient life-destroying pleasure just because everybody else is doing it.
Lol I would tell him it's going to get a lot harder at home and that I hope he enjoys sleeping alone.
Lol that's nicer than what I was thinking.
Sounds like you better find an unvaxed man...
Tell him it'll fall off if he gets jabbed. Kek!
As I was reading the comments to my question regarding possible affects of sex with a vaccinated person, does anybody have anything in writing does anybody know of an article that has been published that I could actually shove in his face to show him that I’m not just being a bitch that I’m being realistic? I’d really appreciate it thanks to all?
Increased risk of erectile dysfunction....,real-life%20setting.
I don’t know about sex but I’m a contractor and my current client is vaxxed and ever since I started working on his house I haven’t felt right and have no energy. I talked to him about the vaccines and he said after the first shot he was fucked up for 3 days, then since he has had his second shot he says he has felt like crap everyday.
Tell him it causes ED if it doesn’t kill him. Work will be normal again, that is temporary. The vax is permanent.
Good article about prostate cancer links to the jab.
Easier for work? Why doesn’t he just tell them,‘he got the jab? There’s fake certificates all over the place. BTW, an EUA vaccine can’t be mandated.
Have you seen the movie Alien?
Your mileage may vary but the Missus got it a few months ago and I've not been having any issues. Her choice but I don't hold back every time news comes out about all the adverse reactions and silly things like that fully-vaccinated cruise still getting cases onboard. She also knows damn well that if she pushes me at all she'll be tossed out of the house.