I wasn't attacking you, I was calling into question whether the numbers are real.
For decades, they have been 'pre-programming' us to think that 'this state is mostly blue', and 'that county is mostly blue' with one major goal in mind: So that when they show the fraudulent election results, we believe them.
I believe nothing the MSM says -- especially when it supports their narrative.
I’m with you there about fake population numbers. China has entire cities that are built up with newer apartments but are totally empty. After the USSR fell, there were 100 million people fewer than what the population of USSR claimed to be. There still is. There are parts of Bangladesh, out in the countryside, where they say the population is 200 million or more, but it’s just rural farmland.
As we’ve seen with the election, fake populations give them leeway for all sorts of scams and tax frauds, it also helps propel climate change myths and even fills our minds with fear that they will overwhelm us in numbers and erase our entire history. When China says they have a billion people, subconsciously we start believing that they’re more powerful than us and we are more willing to give up.
Good point, can't have the effort looking bad. And there's vaxxed vs "fully vaxxed" which is two shots, I think? The page here has numbers a lot higher than the chart there, but it's only counting doses given vs doses shipped.
This one has numbers that are lower than the chart, and it shows "at least one dose" and "fully". The numbers for "at least one" probably includes people who got two shots?
I wasn't attacking you, I was calling into question whether the numbers are real.
For decades, they have been 'pre-programming' us to think that 'this state is mostly blue', and 'that county is mostly blue' with one major goal in mind: So that when they show the fraudulent election results, we believe them.
I believe nothing the MSM says -- especially when it supports their narrative.
I’m with you there about fake population numbers. China has entire cities that are built up with newer apartments but are totally empty. After the USSR fell, there were 100 million people fewer than what the population of USSR claimed to be. There still is. There are parts of Bangladesh, out in the countryside, where they say the population is 200 million or more, but it’s just rural farmland.
As we’ve seen with the election, fake populations give them leeway for all sorts of scams and tax frauds, it also helps propel climate change myths and even fills our minds with fear that they will overwhelm us in numbers and erase our entire history. When China says they have a billion people, subconsciously we start believing that they’re more powerful than us and we are more willing to give up.
Very few of these people/organizations believe in objective truth.
It's more like 'What numbers do I need to report to help prove my case?'
About the only numbers I believe are the ones that go against the narrative, because no lefty would make up those numbers to prove their case.
Good point, can't have the effort looking bad. And there's vaxxed vs "fully vaxxed" which is two shots, I think? The page here has numbers a lot higher than the chart there, but it's only counting doses given vs doses shipped.
This one has numbers that are lower than the chart, and it shows "at least one dose" and "fully". The numbers for "at least one" probably includes people who got two shots?
The chart looks like MA 79%, HI 81%, VT 82%, MS 44%, AR 50%
Mayo clinic page has MA 57%, HI 48%, VT 59%, MS 28%, AR 32% for fully,
and for "at least one," MA 68%, HI 68%, VT 71%, MS 34%, AR 40%