If it was a boxing match, it wouldn't last the first 60s ....
Instead of "Drago" Putin V's "Rocky" Trump, which would sell out in Dubai and a shown live to a worldwide streaming audience, by OANN and RSBN ... sponsored by "My Pillow", hosted by The Salty Cracker and Dave from X22 ...
It would be more like Drago V's Pee Wee Herman ... live from a Delaware basement, live on WH Youtube Channel and downvoted to Oblivion, sponsored by Coca Cola ..... and presented by Don Lemon and Madcow ...
(With masks AND Social Distancing ...
Putin would tie the old bewildered potato in knots, did anyone really expect China Joe to go 1 on 1 with Putin?
If it was a boxing match, it wouldn't last the first 60s .... Instead of "Drago" Putin V's "Rocky" Trump, which would sell out in Dubai and a shown live to a worldwide streaming audience, by OANN and RSBN ... sponsored by "My Pillow", hosted by The Salty Cracker and Dave from X22 ...
It would be more like Drago V's Pee Wee Herman ... live from a Delaware basement, live on WH Youtube Channel and downvoted to Oblivion, sponsored by Coca Cola ..... and presented by Don Lemon and Madcow ... (With masks AND Social Distancing ...
hmm good herb today ..... ;-)