Just curious to find out if anyone came to this board to see the "Q crazies" and ended up finding that there aren't nearly as many crazies as expected, and maybe even ended up agreeing with some of the information posted here hadn't ever been presented before.
I certainly don't expect people who have been lurking for only a little while to be a full-blown Q follower, but am wondering how many people found out about this board from an anti-"QAnon" board or news article, just to end up sticking around because you are genuinely interested in it as a resource?
You took the words right out of my mouth. Very well said, I'm screen capping that to show a couple friends.
We were well awake before 9/11, I read the entire BS patriot act. That put us into 2rd gear as preppers. Obama '08 election 3rd gear...'12 NDAA we jumped 3 gears into overdrive. Silver, gold, bullets, guns, food....we knew we were headed straight into an extremely shitty deal.
Then Trump! Then Q! Then all of the global Anons. Crazy!
It's like all our wildest dreams have come true and we have so few people to tell that would understand. We walk around will a perpetually shit eating grin.
BTW, my great uncle planted the seeds with me as a teenager in the 70's, and continued for years beyond. He was based as hell then. He died last year at 97.
It would be great to all get to meet on the other side of this. Take care.
Indeed. My step-grandfather planted the seed when he gave me an encrypted URL and a PW that contained a 68 MB file (huge at the time) which was an archive of nothing but examples of media spin taken from the newspapers and mapped over time to show the media's deception... pre-internet.
Went all the way back to older events in history, political theater examples, Left vs. Right optics, smear jobs, etc.
Very eye opening stuff.
2 years after that 9/11 occurred and it all unfolded in real time.
Once you are out of the Matrix, there is no way to go back into it. You can never unsee this stuff. Your entire brain is rewired (presuming your brain has the capability to be rewired in the first place)
I'm East Coast - have a list of Patriots to meet up w/ after the Awakening occurs!
That is crazy regarding your grandfather. The stories of how each of us landed outside the matrix intrigue the hell out of me. It's never an accident.
I'm mid-west. Farming community. We have a really solid network of Patriots, we'd pack our shit and be anywhere in the country in hours! I'm convinced we will all meet on the other side. We'll see if I'm right. Take care fren.