This is what irritates me the most. Those of us who decided against the jab are experiencing side effects from those who got the real jab. On top of that, we have no idea who got the real deal and who got a placebo.
Exactly, I’m having a battle with my idiot nephew who was sooo against it until his new doctor to be fiancé went and got it. He’s around my elderly mother on Sundays with his two young daughters. I’ve given him a TON of info and facts on the dangers and as of last week he was still going to get the second shot this week. I have no idea if shedding occurs with the first or is activated by the second but I told him if he got the second that he may never see my wife and I in person again and I don’t want him around my mother either. He’s 33 and my other nephews that went and got it are 33 and 28 so all of them aren’t even in the age bracket to be affected by anything. They’re so stupid.
This is what irritates me the most. Those of us who decided against the jab are experiencing side effects from those who got the real jab. On top of that, we have no idea who got the real deal and who got a placebo.
Exactly, I’m having a battle with my idiot nephew who was sooo against it until his new doctor to be fiancé went and got it. He’s around my elderly mother on Sundays with his two young daughters. I’ve given him a TON of info and facts on the dangers and as of last week he was still going to get the second shot this week. I have no idea if shedding occurs with the first or is activated by the second but I told him if he got the second that he may never see my wife and I in person again and I don’t want him around my mother either. He’s 33 and my other nephews that went and got it are 33 and 28 so all of them aren’t even in the age bracket to be affected by anything. They’re so stupid.