If you aren’t angry by now, you aren’t smart enough to realize what the fuck is going on. We have been conquered by parasitic sexual predators who are teaching our children that their genocide is a benefit to the planet, and that they are inherently evil.
The best thing that could ever happen to this country is 100% fatality rate with these vaccines.
War is war. Collateral damage happens.
You fucking pussies would rather march to the grave than acknowledge the reality of the current situation.
lol anger?
If you aren’t angry by now, you aren’t smart enough to realize what the fuck is going on. We have been conquered by parasitic sexual predators who are teaching our children that their genocide is a benefit to the planet, and that they are inherently evil.
The best thing that could ever happen to this country is 100% fatality rate with these vaccines.
War is war. Collateral damage happens.
You fucking pussies would rather march to the grave than acknowledge the reality of the current situation.