"No. China's been very bad. On top of which we had the China Plague sent to us... and other viruses, nothing near this serious, but the swine... . We had other viruses sent in over the years. So... came from China. I wonder why?"
Strong words, implying as near to a statement of fact that you can get, without outright stating that not only was the Wuhan flu purposefully spread to the United States by China... but China has done this multiple times in the past.
President Trump's Labor Day Speech, 7 Sep 2020...
"No. China's been very bad. On top of which we had the China Plague sent to us... and other viruses, nothing near this serious, but the swine... . We had other viruses sent in over the years. So... came from China. I wonder why?"
These were not scripted remarks.
No reading off a teleprompter or notes.
https://youtu.be/2zCEP4tkDWQ?t=1189 (time stamp / 17 seconds for remarks)
Strong words, implying as near to a statement of fact that you can get, without outright stating that not only was the Wuhan flu purposefully spread to the United States by China... but China has done this multiple times in the past.
Note the President's query, "I wonder why?"
We are living in "interesting times".
"Interesting indeed", China bad ,Yes / but Cabal Deepstate globalists WORSE: YES Indeed.
I'm pretty certain the Cabal owns China. If you look at how much China owes the Rothschilds, kind of follows the same formula they did with England.
Ralph Baric / UNC / Friday Center / 4/6/2018
https://youtu.be/UuERPvBFfco?t=1060 (timestamp / 2 min, 40 sec)
Unless the white hats have a solution for this, we're in for a shit fall and winter. God help us.
Of course there is a solution.
Did you notice how the actual cures are not very special and are found in nature itself?
Nicola Tesla famously said something about understanding the universe, think in terms of frequency, vibration.
We already know with the right frequency, you can kill anything, break anything.
You think these man-made viruses and dis-eases are exempt from the Law of Nature?
In a way: God help us, is a call, to Nature, as we are Nature, part of Nature, exit in Nature.
So, elevate your own frequency of being from a state of defeatism to hope and joy.