But we still don't need a vax for this highly treatable illness. Also, there are adjuvants in that one which are suspected to have caused problems; it lists Matrix M. Also: "Novavax uses a lab-made version of the spike protein of the original coronavirus to train the immune system to produce antibodies.". So we still have the problem of spike proteins floating around. (Now whether these spikes behave the same way as has been seen w/the other CV vax's, we need to look at their study data...if they released any).
There you go. Try searching with : "Matrix M adjuvants contents".
Note the following quote:
Named from the Latin "adiuvare" meaning "to help," adjuvants have been lending a helping hand to vaccinologists for many decades. Yet a lack of a clear understanding of how they work has tainted their reputation, leading to epithets such as "alchemy" and "the immunologist's dirty secret".
The concept emerged in 1925 when Gaston Ramon, a French vet, discovered that horses vaccinated against diphtheria had a stronger immune response** if inflammation developed at the site of injection. **Ramon then set out to test a range of common materials and foodstuffs for their ability to cause irritation and inflammation as vaccine additives
So, the idea is to make you sicker, while you are sick, to cure you.
or ...
What does not kill you, makes you stronger.
This is the essence of modern medicine.
Compare that to traditional medicine practice where you are sick and the cause of the disease is remediated.
Thanks redtoe and raggedyman. What I was specifically looking for were bad events with that adjuvant. Some adjuvants are molecularly similar to human proteins and incite an autoimmune response, like squalene. I vaguely remember reading 'Matrix M' was a new name given to an older 'bad' adjuvant, but that source escapes me now. Maybe something with Gulf War Syndrome suspected to be linked to an adjuvant in a military-mandated vaccine?
But we still don't need a vax for this highly treatable illness. Also, there are adjuvants in that one which are suspected to have caused problems; it lists Matrix M. Also: "Novavax uses a lab-made version of the spike protein of the original coronavirus to train the immune system to produce antibodies.". So we still have the problem of spike proteins floating around. (Now whether these spikes behave the same way as has been seen w/the other CV vax's, we need to look at their study data...if they released any).
(Matrix M DDG search isn't showing up anything yet, needs more digging for sauce; also more digging for its spike protein characteristics).
Lancet at it again: A non-peer-reviewed study: https://www.precisionvaccinations.com/vaccines/r21-matrix-m-malaria-vaccine https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)00943-0/fulltext
There you go. Try searching with : "Matrix M adjuvants contents".
Note the following quote:
So, the idea is to make you sicker, while you are sick, to cure you. or ...
What does not kill you, makes you stronger.
This is the essence of modern medicine.
Compare that to traditional medicine practice where you are sick and the cause of the disease is remediated.
Thanks redtoe and raggedyman. What I was specifically looking for were bad events with that adjuvant. Some adjuvants are molecularly similar to human proteins and incite an autoimmune response, like squalene. I vaguely remember reading 'Matrix M' was a new name given to an older 'bad' adjuvant, but that source escapes me now. Maybe something with Gulf War Syndrome suspected to be linked to an adjuvant in a military-mandated vaccine?
They should then be in vaers. I am under the impression this to be a booster shot.
I have not had time to dissect it.