It's still early and it's subtle, but if you're paying close attention, it's discernable. It seems like the onset of acute brain fog. Like the email my boss sent out this morning - filled with uncharacteristic jibberish sentences and misspelled common words from an otherwise pretty smart individual. I'm seeing lots of people having trouble using their debit cards at checkout counters as if they've never used one before. The lady who cleans our house is having trouble remembering which room she already vacuumed and we're finding dirty folded cleaning rags in the linen closet. Tell-tale signs of "something" happening to people. Can't quite put my finger on it but I think it's from the jabs.
What say you?
Something my mom and I noticed when talking to three 2-jabbers about the vaccine, and we brought up a lot of good points about what's in it, the side effects, how it isn't FDA approved, etc. These 3 women looked at us like they wanted to kill us for saying anything against them or the vaccine they took. Their faces turned red, and their eyes went wide with hate, and they would constantly talk over me and my mom, not letting us say ANYTHING that might make them use cognitive function. I think the vax is going to make people more aggressive, more angry, more susceptible and prone to violence, along with forgetful, brain foggy, etc.
Have to avoid that buyers remorse!