It's still early and it's subtle, but if you're paying close attention, it's discernable. It seems like the onset of acute brain fog. Like the email my boss sent out this morning - filled with uncharacteristic jibberish sentences and misspelled common words from an otherwise pretty smart individual. I'm seeing lots of people having trouble using their debit cards at checkout counters as if they've never used one before. The lady who cleans our house is having trouble remembering which room she already vacuumed and we're finding dirty folded cleaning rags in the linen closet. Tell-tale signs of "something" happening to people. Can't quite put my finger on it but I think it's from the jabs.
What say you?
Well it is anecdotal and with only two subject cases... but it could be. However, I'd like to see more data with a wider group of test subjects before believing this. No shade on what you posted, I don't expect full-blown scientific studies from any of us average anons, but perhaps this is worthy of a broader study.
Well stated. I'm concerned about this situation because most of my family members and friends have gotten the 2-jab. I quit trying to reason with them awhile back because they thought I was Loony-Toonz. Stupid is as stupid does. We'll just have to keep an eye on the situation, but I think there's something to it all....
As TJBanjoMan points out, we have nothing more than anecdotal reports - on this and shedding and probably more to come. There are no studies because pharma, fauci et al want to withhold any inconvenient information from us.
In the meantime, all we have is what people are reporting from personal experience, and it was very helpful of you to do so. Now many of us know to keep an eye out and see if we notice similar things. When it's subtle, it's easy to dismiss it, but if it's happening with a lot of people, it may well indicate a medical issue.
Funny, but I was watching a video by a serious, respected clairvoyant channeler recently who said that the initial jab was not the end game, but was planned as an interim step. It would become the problem, and then the "fix" would be the end game. Who knows, everything is guesswork when we have no facts from anyone we can trust.
I certainly didn't need any further reasons to stay away from all tests and all jabs. Personal immunity through good health, diet, and getting outside is still the best bet.
Thanks again for bringing this situation to light.
Gates has said that it won't be the first virus that gets us, but the second virus that takes us out. He keeps talking about a one two punch scenario. I'm just waiting for the second shoe to drop. GATES = EVIL