posted ago by HE4RTLAND ago by HE4RTLAND +26 / -0

I’ll start with I am not an expert to on anything I’m talking about I am just a hungry mind. So anything I may be off about feel free to drop some info I can digest to properly educate myself. That being said, I watched the video a pede posted about nanobots, and using a degausser to help remove the artificial bots we may be exposed to. I really want to know what safety precautions I should take if I go about this. Ultimately I want to know if I can safely put my head through the degaussing field safely without having a negative affect on my body and especially my brain. If I’m not mistaken, these bots are only able to function because they are magnetized. Their magnetization is what allows them to perform their man made function. So you get rid of that magnetism, and they have no way to execute any functions and are able to be removed from your body as waste. Please share your thoughts, info, and links if this is something that you know about. Thank you