When the Inventor of mRNA vaccines says it's not right what is going..you know its bad! 3 hour video.
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I'm thirty minutes into this. Fascinating.
Bret Weinstein, the interviewer has not been vaccinated, while both guests, Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch, have taken the Moderna jab. Malone after contracting the disease. The guests are true believers, yet they are tearing the vax apart.
There is no date on the interview, but it is recent, because they refer to an article written by Kirsch from 25 May.
This is a discussion of high import for a couple of reasons:
It shows how they go about isolating facts and scientific hypothesis on why things have run the course as it has done in this scamdemic.
You get a little peek-in the functioning of the FDA vs NIH vs hospitals vs frontline doctors.
All the reasons why the jab is NOT the default position or any other very expensive drugs, but repurposed drugs.
You can learn a thing or two about howto red pill.
Thank you going to share.