When the fuck did the justice system become so openly partisan. It's illegal to force someone to take any medicine. Let alone an experimental vaccine. The law is very clear in more than one area that doing that, private company or public, doesn't matter, is illegal as shit.
Dude I hate to break it to you but the justice system has been utterly broken for 2+ decades now. The problem is ALL the people running it are by default brainwashed in liberal law schools. Guess what you get... a room full of lawyers that think they know better than us plebs and a bunch of cops who are brainwashed into thinking they are obligated to follow the politicians and lawyers commands without fail.
It would take me days to list all the cases that were handled completely wrong WAY prior to this latest batch. I'm talking about shit that happened back during Bush.
Here is the REAL problem. When a lawyer/judge screws up who is supposed to punish them? The BAR! What is the BAR made up of? Lawyers. So Lawyers are by DEFAULT our ruling class. Look at congress. Go count how many of them are lawyers? That will take a while because its A LOT... like 80% or more.
Lawyers ARE THE PROBLEM. What we need is a simple system where when lawyers screw up their victims have a right to a jury trail to prove the lawyers screwed up. Its not about money. No one gets paid a big payout. All that stuff is toned down and limited, BUT the lawyers law license is on the line. It can be suspended or revoked for life etc etc.
Lawyers right now have ZERO consequences. Its all based on the good old boy system. If there was a system like this that gave REAL consequences to being a shit lawyer... guess what 90% of this BS would stop. When you can put a judge on trail and the result of a bad outcome from a jury of CITIZENS is he loses his law license and is drop kicked from his bench... judges wouldn't fuck around 1/10th as much.
When the fuck did the justice system become so openly partisan. It's illegal to force someone to take any medicine. Let alone an experimental vaccine. The law is very clear in more than one area that doing that, private company or public, doesn't matter, is illegal as shit.
Dude I hate to break it to you but the justice system has been utterly broken for 2+ decades now. The problem is ALL the people running it are by default brainwashed in liberal law schools. Guess what you get... a room full of lawyers that think they know better than us plebs and a bunch of cops who are brainwashed into thinking they are obligated to follow the politicians and lawyers commands without fail.
It would take me days to list all the cases that were handled completely wrong WAY prior to this latest batch. I'm talking about shit that happened back during Bush.
Here is the REAL problem. When a lawyer/judge screws up who is supposed to punish them? The BAR! What is the BAR made up of? Lawyers. So Lawyers are by DEFAULT our ruling class. Look at congress. Go count how many of them are lawyers? That will take a while because its A LOT... like 80% or more.
Lawyers ARE THE PROBLEM. What we need is a simple system where when lawyers screw up their victims have a right to a jury trail to prove the lawyers screwed up. Its not about money. No one gets paid a big payout. All that stuff is toned down and limited, BUT the lawyers law license is on the line. It can be suspended or revoked for life etc etc.
Lawyers right now have ZERO consequences. Its all based on the good old boy system. If there was a system like this that gave REAL consequences to being a shit lawyer... guess what 90% of this BS would stop. When you can put a judge on trail and the result of a bad outcome from a jury of CITIZENS is he loses his law license and is drop kicked from his bench... judges wouldn't fuck around 1/10th as much.
Clown world
H?NK H?NK‼️‼️‼️