They have a name for it. They call it “Covid Strokes”
? These people are sick! ?
I own a commercial roofing company. We’re small around 20 employees. One of my foreman just found out yesterday that his 49 year old wife has had a stroke. She’s in ICU and needs some prayers. As my foreman was talking with one of the nurses working on his wife the nurse told him that they’ve been seeing a lot of this happen lately and call it “Covid Strokes”. Our office manager’s dad also had a stroke a week after getting the jab. I now know more people who’ve had strokes from the Vax then people who died from the Rona. It’s so common that they have a name for it...... let that sink in...”Covid Strokes”
I’m really sorry but have to interject this “fun” factoid. So we have 4 or so mRna not-vaccines all somewhat similar in their design BUT...THERE’s BEEN ZERO RESEARCH/stories about MIXING THESE COCKTAILS from one jab to the next?!!! Let’s see...I’m tired of arsenic so please give me a jigger of something more caustic!!! (wtf-smh).
Good point! “The sCieNcE SaYs we can mix them!” Actually the governments are saying that (at least where I live in Canada anyway), and where are the studies on them? Blind trust in the government. Baffles me.
The nightmare has just begun, I’m afraid. Very afraid, so I pray. ?
Same, fren. Praying is what gets me through right now too!
At first they were telling people not to mix manufacturers. Now I think they are telling people it's ok to mix and match the jabs, perhaps so that it's not possible to squarely point the finger at one company when an adverse reaction happens.
Not that it matters though since they have legal immunity.
Their immunity to Crimes Against Humanity will end with Justice. I firmly believe when all is said and done these “science” demigods will beg for mercy.
This is what led me to accept that the military is the only way. You don't fix a problem like this from the inside. You have to completely tear down the old system and start over.
Agreed. The AZ Audit will decertify Election. Congress needs all 50 to Certify. Mandatory audits next. Any states that refuse those legislators should be subject to military martial law to enforce. Many states already got their balls rolling. Main question; what is DS next card?