covid kills the old and those about to die.
*Covid kills the old (and younger) with specific Health issues. Many others walked through it just fine, even at age 100 ffs.
It is one thing to die of actual natural causes, it is another thing to die of imposed ailments due to maltreatment.
It is NOT a given that the elderly OWE any sacrifice to youth. It is a CHOICE that any individual of any generation can make if they have faith that a given generation can productively carry on. It is always a CHOICE, not an expectation or rule. Especially now, in the century of the narcissist we are all in.
One could even argue that NONE of us deserve to exist and the earth should be repopulated by babies from incubators and replace us all. A goal I am sure someone is trying to achieve soon enough, based off current events.
The fact that so many middle aged and younger people think to devalue the life of an elderly person continues to make me pause on whether or not those "younger" are deserving of anything at all. That includes ANY aged person, not in an elderly state, that feels this way towards the elderly.
I for one see a series of failed generations who have left our elderly to rot into an unhealthy state, purely through indifference and neglect.
With NO outcry about the deplorable conditions that lead to their untimely "Covid" deaths.
Many "youthful" persons cavorting around appear healthy, when they are in fact a ticking time bomb of a multitude of health ailments in waiting, including mental health issues such as narcissism at an astounding level.
Shall we begin to assess everyone's genetic and mental value, of any age, to determine who is worthy and WHO shall be sacrificed... in the name of the "Greater Good"?
I see countless comments riddling ALL forums, including this one, that speak of how valuable the "youth", aged 65 and below, are. I have to wonder how valuable someone is when they are so willing to sacrifice their elderly on a whim. We haven't even reached detrimental levels in this grand experiment we are all in and the consensus is, the elderly need to go, for the betterment of the younger generations.
This is very much a Greatawakening Topic. It's time we all realized the devaluation of ALL LIFE, the unborn to the elderly, is very much part of THEIR plan.
Where we go one, we go ALL.
For the record, I am GenX
Western Culture has allowed the family unit to become meaningless and in turn we wonder how our society became so self absorbed.