All the antifa members grew up pledging allegiance. How many home schooled kids who never uttered those words grew up to be anything like antifa?
If your a christian who doesn't just go along with the masses but is a christian who thinks for themselves and thus has a personal relationship with God, not a generic one you have to realize that pledging of allegiance to a flag is blasphemy and idolatry. It is merely part of the programming of the socialist state indoctrination program that you shouldn't be sending your kids to in the the first place.
People who blindly pledge allegiance, or who are programmed to do so aren't independent thinkers, they are easily swayed , members of the masses no thinkers. What we need are patriots who arrived at patriotism organically and independently.
Teach your kids to become patriots by teaching them what the constitution means and what the bill of rights is and what those documents have done for them, not by brainwashing them or making them memorize something and repetition of that thing at age 5 when they don't even understand what it means to commit to something.
Pledging allegiance doesn't create patriots.
All the antifa members grew up pledging allegiance. How many home schooled kids who never uttered those words grew up to be anything like antifa?
If your a christian who doesn't just go along with the masses but is a christian who thinks for themselves and thus has a personal relationship with God, not a generic one you have to realize that pledging of allegiance to a flag is blasphemy and idolatry. It is merely part of the programming of the socialist state indoctrination program that you shouldn't be sending your kids to in the the first place.
People who blindly pledge allegiance, or who are programmed to do so aren't independent thinkers, they are easily swayed , members of the masses no thinkers. What we need are patriots who arrived at patriotism organically and independently.
Teach your kids to become patriots by teaching them what the constitution means and what the bill of rights is and what those documents have done for them, not by brainwashing them or making them memorize something and repetition of that thing at age 5 when they don't even understand what it means to commit to something.