The FBI set the fake 'coup' Jan 6th to justify why many of the Senators, (including many RINOs who betrayed our party) and Pence would go on with a 'clear conscience' to state that there was no need to investigate the voter fraud, and accepting the electoral votes without a question.
What happens if it was actually an FBI agent posing as a Capitol Police who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt? Thus the reason for why the name of who shot her is STILL anonymous. And if they do name who killed Ashli, will it even be the right person? I don't think so. They wanted a full-blown Civil War to start right at the steps of the Capitol. They had actors go scream on the media that they killed a woman Trump supporter....hoping to stir up the Trump base. They didn't get what they were desiring for. So they twisted and manipulated the story to make it sound like what happened at the Capitol was so horrendous when it was basically nothing.
The FBI killed Ashli Babbitt. The FBI was the coup. The FBI committed treason. Antifa IS part of the FBI.
"What happens if it was actually an FBI agent posing as a Capitol Police who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt? Thus the reason for why the name of who shot her is STILL anonymous."
The FBI doesn't infiltrate other Fed govt agencies. That's what they Clowns In America do.
It gives [them] the ability to clandestinely spy on targets and then engage them or other TOs (Targets of Opportunity) while operating under the auspices of [their] cover assignment.
Most likely, this guy is a Farm bred Clown that was purposely posted inside Capitol Police for this very thing. That, and to also keep an eye on certain members of Congress, lobbyists, fellow Capitol Police Officers and Agents, etc.
These fags have purposely infiltrated every aspect of our lives and society. [they] quite literally could be anyone. Think, Nazi Secret Gestapo. It could be a school teacher or principal, clergy, Dr, scientist, grocery store manager, LEO or other 1st Responder, auto mechanic, gang member, political aide, or even a politician or bureaucrat like Pompeo, Barr, Garland, a defense contractor, your garbage or mail man, your lawn guy. Hell, it could even by your wife's "pool guy."
I've met more than a few Clowns in my life. The most recent was a car salesman for a local Dodge Dealership near me. Fucker even tried to recruit me because of my military EOD background.
Trust me, they're everywhere and you don't even realize it.
One thing I've come to realize with this whole Ashlee Babbitt ordeal, is that it most definitely was a targeted hit, Piglosi has no jurisdiction over ordering Capitol Police to open fire, and no Police Cmdr in their right mind would've ordered it, so the orders came from somewhere else. Most likely, Clown HQ.