But then how do you redistribute the wealth from Indiana, Texas, Florida, and the like who have good budgets, to states with more needs and larger populations, like california?
They have much greater needs, like for the anti-straw campaigns, and homlessness problems, we need those French laundry meetings every night to talk about those.
? Yep, California is AWASH in money. Corrupt government officials are stealing it from the people, subsidizing billionaires and living high on the hog. I hope it can be fixed, I'll be moving there in a few months?
I've been screaming this for years. Taxes should be gathered at the state level with only a trickle sent to the feds.
Keeping money in our individual states gives each one more power to do good work locally. Keep it where it belongs!
But then how do you redistribute the wealth from Indiana, Texas, Florida, and the like who have good budgets, to states with more needs and larger populations, like california?
They have much greater needs, like for the anti-straw campaigns, and homlessness problems, we need those French laundry meetings every night to talk about those.
? Yep, California is AWASH in money. Corrupt government officials are stealing it from the people, subsidizing billionaires and living high on the hog. I hope it can be fixed, I'll be moving there in a few months?