Seen this so many times and it affirms my love for him. He is a man, with all of a man's flaws, but has a heart of gold and loves this country and our people. He gave up so much for FIVE YEARS (and counting) of ridicule and abuse from the deranged left, and kept on giving and winning and fighting and celebrating along with us.
This man is why NWCSWIC! He is a force, and he has God by his side.
Seen this so many times and it affirms my love for him. He is a man, with all of a man's flaws, but has a heart of gold and loves this country and our people. He gave up so much for FIVE YEARS (and counting) of ridicule and abuse from the deranged left, and kept on giving and winning and fighting and celebrating along with us.
This man is why NWCSWIC! He is a force, and he has God by his side.