They aren't widely publicized because that's not why Trump did them. He did them because he's truly generous and felt it was the right thing to do, not for publicity.
Right but how does anyone know they’re actual stories? These sort of good deed stories get circulated in email forwards all the time, about trump, or Tom Hanks, or bill Murray, or whoever.
It sparked the whole “and that man was Albert Einstein” meme
People are accustomed to speaking about the negative sides of people. For example, way back when, when The Phoenician was being built, Keating would walk around and toss out $100 bills just to watch the workers scurry to grab a bill or two. Made my husband very upset someone would do that to other human beings for pure enjoyment. He could have walked up and handed workers cash, etc, but no. toss the money in the air and watch workers scramble. Keep in mind this was in the late 80s.
You see, when people truly do things from their heart, they do not expect for it to be broadcast on the news, they do it because they feel God's blessing to help others in time of need. Lots of times, people do not remember the person's name, many times, it isn't given. It is sad many will believe anything and everything negative that is in MSM about President Trump is taken as Gospel without facts being checked, but when positive things are said, they are lies until proven. Shouldn't it at the very least be the same treatment for both?
I think there should be treatment for both. Me personally, I give scutiny to both. When the MSM said orange man bad for this that or the other, I looked for myself how honest they were being. When someone posts a story on here about how he saved a bunch of puppies from a burning hospital, I'm gonna dig into that too.
If you're looking for the same treatment for these two scenarios, my suggestion would be to give proper scrutiny to both.
They aren't widely publicized because that's not why Trump did them. He did them because he's truly generous and felt it was the right thing to do, not for publicity.
Right but how does anyone know they’re actual stories? These sort of good deed stories get circulated in email forwards all the time, about trump, or Tom Hanks, or bill Murray, or whoever.
It sparked the whole “and that man was Albert Einstein” meme
People are accustomed to speaking about the negative sides of people. For example, way back when, when The Phoenician was being built, Keating would walk around and toss out $100 bills just to watch the workers scurry to grab a bill or two. Made my husband very upset someone would do that to other human beings for pure enjoyment. He could have walked up and handed workers cash, etc, but no. toss the money in the air and watch workers scramble. Keep in mind this was in the late 80s. You see, when people truly do things from their heart, they do not expect for it to be broadcast on the news, they do it because they feel God's blessing to help others in time of need. Lots of times, people do not remember the person's name, many times, it isn't given. It is sad many will believe anything and everything negative that is in MSM about President Trump is taken as Gospel without facts being checked, but when positive things are said, they are lies until proven. Shouldn't it at the very least be the same treatment for both?
I think there should be treatment for both. Me personally, I give scutiny to both. When the MSM said orange man bad for this that or the other, I looked for myself how honest they were being. When someone posts a story on here about how he saved a bunch of puppies from a burning hospital, I'm gonna dig into that too.
If you're looking for the same treatment for these two scenarios, my suggestion would be to give proper scrutiny to both.