Three posts down from here, "The military is the only way".
You say, 'Our fate is certain? Outgunned? Give up? '
We're good.
We have it all.
The ones in the military that hate us are few and far between. The majority of the enlisted don't. The top brass that recruited Trump, don't. Just the few that peepads (Xiden) put in.
While I definitely agree that we (Q followers, Patriots, Conservatives) are being targeted and set up for a false flag and I do believe it will have to be a BIG false flag in order to take the news cycle for a couple of weeks, I do not agree that all is lost and we should just give up. The only ones who need to really see the results of the audit are the military as many have already stated.
This is the time to turn to your relationship with God because that is how we will know when it is time to rise up and not before then.
Here is what you do. (I am not advocating anyone knowingly be apart of any event that could be a FF. But...)
Before you go, pray the Lord blesses the event and keeps everyone safe. When you are at any major event, i.e. Trump rally, understand that no matter how good security is, there exist the potential for things to go bad. Go with frens and have a plan of action in the event things do go bad. keep your head on a swivel, and if possible cameras on at all times. Report anything sus to the event security (see something...). If the worst should happen, try to not panic (that's why you made the plan. Trust the plan?).
When the director yells action everyone steps back and try to remove yourself from the chaos. This one may be hard, but, don't get swept up in the emotions of the moment. Try to take in what is really habbening and think logically.
The FBI is getting pretty limited on the FF's that they can still do.
White Hats are rounding up the CIA and FBI operatives and shutting down their illegal operations.
Before long, the few remaining FBI who aren't arrested yet... could maybe stage a small dumpster fire. That will be the extent of their reach.
If we ever get to the SHTF time stay away from me!
Three posts down from here, "The military is the only way". You say, 'Our fate is certain? Outgunned? Give up? ' nah. We're good. We have it all. NCSWIC
lol the military fucking hates us and wants us dead, they'd love to start rapidly shooting at us
The ones in the military that hate us are few and far between. The majority of the enlisted don't. The top brass that recruited Trump, don't. Just the few that peepads (Xiden) put in.
lighten up a hot civil war we will kick they're ass, our fate is what WE make it...FF we deal with it...........
While I definitely agree that we (Q followers, Patriots, Conservatives) are being targeted and set up for a false flag and I do believe it will have to be a BIG false flag in order to take the news cycle for a couple of weeks, I do not agree that all is lost and we should just give up. The only ones who need to really see the results of the audit are the military as many have already stated.
This is the time to turn to your relationship with God because that is how we will know when it is time to rise up and not before then.
Bro, enough with the foolishness
Bruh. We've already won
Here is what you do. (I am not advocating anyone knowingly be apart of any event that could be a FF. But...) Before you go, pray the Lord blesses the event and keeps everyone safe. When you are at any major event, i.e. Trump rally, understand that no matter how good security is, there exist the potential for things to go bad. Go with frens and have a plan of action in the event things do go bad. keep your head on a swivel, and if possible cameras on at all times. Report anything sus to the event security (see something...). If the worst should happen, try to not panic (that's why you made the plan. Trust the plan?).
When the director yells action everyone steps back and try to remove yourself from the chaos. This one may be hard, but, don't get swept up in the emotions of the moment. Try to take in what is really habbening and think logically.
The FBI is getting pretty limited on the FF's that they can still do.
White Hats are rounding up the CIA and FBI operatives and shutting down their illegal operations.
Before long, the few remaining FBI who aren't arrested yet... could maybe stage a small dumpster fire. That will be the extent of their reach.
If you kill yourself, you let the bad guys win against you. Don't!...and keep on fighting. This too shall pass, but not the Word of Truth.
This is some doomy doomer level shit here.