At the time I knew nothing of Q, but I recall reading pieces post election about 'how did this happen '. Remember how she did not bother to campaign around the Great Lakes? Her soy boy campaign manager in Brooklyn had his data and felt it wasn't necessary but Bill was telling her "you need to go up there and campaign'. One guy told a story about a fight over the phone he witnessed Bill having with her about this issue. If I recall correctly, they were walking along the Riverwalk in Little Rock and he was so pissed afterwards he threw the phone into the river. Same guy said the night of the election that when the Panhandle returns started coming in, Bill told him to not bother coming to NYC - they had lost.
I wonder how involved Bill was with all of this. Oh, he is involved, but his political instincts were always sharper. Was he kept out of the loop on certain things though? I always got the feeling that she was jealous of his natural talent.
Bill must have been deliberately kept out of the loop. Slick Willy was ALWAYS sharper, oozed charisma, and like you said, had far better political instincts.
At the time I knew nothing of Q, but I recall reading pieces post election about 'how did this happen '. Remember how she did not bother to campaign around the Great Lakes? Her soy boy campaign manager in Brooklyn had his data and felt it wasn't necessary but Bill was telling her "you need to go up there and campaign'. One guy told a story about a fight over the phone he witnessed Bill having with her about this issue. If I recall correctly, they were walking along the Riverwalk in Little Rock and he was so pissed afterwards he threw the phone into the river. Same guy said the night of the election that when the Panhandle returns started coming in, Bill told him to not bother coming to NYC - they had lost.
I wonder how involved Bill was with all of this. Oh, he is involved, but his political instincts were always sharper. Was he kept out of the loop on certain things though? I always got the feeling that she was jealous of his natural talent.
Bill must have been deliberately kept out of the loop. Slick Willy was ALWAYS sharper, oozed charisma, and like you said, had far better political instincts.