Where's all the "thin blue line" supporters? Huh? Where you all at?
Not only have the police bent the knee to BLM and turned their back on the rest of us, THEY TURN A BLIND EYE TO CHILD RAPE.
I've experienced this first hand in my own community when I reported sexual molestation between an older child and a younger child. I was told to keep my mouth closed by a police offer "or else you could be sued". You bet I told the other neighbors anyway because there were other young children around who need to be protected.
Just one little caveat:
Where's all the "thin blue line" supporters? Huh? Where you all at?
Not only have the police bent the knee to BLM and turned their back on the rest of us, THEY TURN A BLIND EYE TO CHILD RAPE.
I've experienced this first hand in my own community when I reported sexual molestation between an older child and a younger child. I was told to keep my mouth closed by a police offer "or else you could be sued". You bet I told the other neighbors anyway because there were other young children around who need to be protected.
"Hur dur support thin blue line"