Fear the gaze of the gestalt anon hivemind, for it makes the mighty tremble.
Never seen this particular posting before, 'dog on leash' is quite the amusing characterization.
If the frankfurt school dialectic was developed to stifle and shutter the mind with the unceasing bombardment of crippling fear and cognitive dissonance, why should the inverse not be just as empowering? Unleash the beast.. it worked for Trump after all!
Fear the gaze of the gestalt anon hivemind, for it makes the mighty tremble.
Never seen this particular posting before, 'dog on leash' is quite the amusing characterization.
If the frankfurt school dialectic was developed to stifle and shutter the mind with the unceasing bombardment of crippling fear and cognitive dissonance, why should the inverse not be just as empowering? Unleash the beast.. it worked for Trump after all!