Original Voat Post:
Pay close attention to the first 20-25 seconds. This event is approximately 8-10 minutes after impact detonation.
A thick plume of rapidly ejected white smoke means what? ( incendiary device )
What building materials could possibly cause this phenomenon? ( none )
Look at man near triage blanket in foreground. Why is he worried ( hands to head ), why does reverse direction twice, and then hesitate before proceeding?
It doesn't even matter, with wheels up the engines would be digging in the ground, possibly the fuselage as well.
But, even if we entertain that flight 77 actually hit the Pentagon, the metal (other than the engines, which DID NOT break through the outer wall) could not break through 9 reinforced concrete walls and only burst a hole to the inner area.
You know, these types of questions coming up makes me want to dig up my 15 your old computer to track down the extensive research I've done on this subject.
Even though the Pentagon was the most ambiguous of the attacks (ambiguous in that it was difficult to come to solid conclusions one way or another).