They list various horrifying beliefs of some super rich person- including population control and/or eugenics if I remember correctly. I think it's signed as being made or commissioned by a "RC Christian" or "RC"-something...which leads to one family immediately as a possibility.
They've apparently found the identity of R.C. Christian - Ted Turner. Whether or not he is the one is just circumstantial but I would say it was likely.
I can't find the original research I had on that, it's buried in a ton of other saved docs but a quick look on Duck Duck Go has some info re Turner and R.C. Christian and the Guidestones. Naturally things go off on a tangent whith people putting their own spin on things but there are probably some good pointers in there to make your mind up. Nobody can hide all traces in the modern age.
Never even heard of the Georgia Guidestones. What is that, some kind of state sponsored display. I can look it up, but do you have a good link?
They list various horrifying beliefs of some super rich person- including population control and/or eugenics if I remember correctly. I think it's signed as being made or commissioned by a "RC Christian" or "RC"-something...which leads to one family immediately as a possibility.
RC might stand for the Rose Cross, or the Rosicrucian Order.
If by "one family" you mean the Rothschilds, note that this name is not properly pronounced "Roth's child", but "roth schild". It means "red shield".
They've apparently found the identity of R.C. Christian - Ted Turner. Whether or not he is the one is just circumstantial but I would say it was likely.
I can't find the original research I had on that, it's buried in a ton of other saved docs but a quick look on Duck Duck Go has some info re Turner and R.C. Christian and the Guidestones. Naturally things go off on a tangent whith people putting their own spin on things but there are probably some good pointers in there to make your mind up. Nobody can hide all traces in the modern age.
Turner does support radical population reduction, so this could be.
You may be correct about both, I was just spitballin' that part.