As soon as the vax was rolled out, we had this Tiffany Dover video and that three-shot of the people with Bell’s Palsy that went viral. At the time I remember thinking, why aren’t they banning this? Why are they letting us share this? Shouldn’t anything against the vax be banned? And yet it wasn’t. We were allowed to share it all. That immediately made me think something was up and they WANTED people to question the vax. Same with the CDC banning the J&J and Astra? Why would they do that? They must know it will make people hesitant. People might say they were just too dangerous, but I don’t believe that makes sense. Why would they care? They would just cover it up.
It seems to me that they are definitely trying to create a two-tiered vax/anti-vax society here and are allowing stories on both sides to go viral. This is why I think they pull in guys like Brett Weinstein (who I believe is probably a Freemasonic shill) to start pushing fear about the spike proteins. Q has told us that both corporate mainstream media AND alternative media are controlled. And when you look at shows like Infowars, Louder with Crowder, Shapiro, the production value is too high to not be funded by deep pockets. Weinstein - first of all his name is WEINSTEIN - but second of all, he was also the guy who tried to start the “intellectual dark web”, a bullshit gatekeeper group designed to make normal logic and basic common sense look esoteric, strange, obscure, and dangerous. And all those controlled idiots jumped on board, thinking “intellectual dark web” made them sound badass. Owen Benjamin, who was invited and groomed for it, was the only one who said it sounded gay and didn’t want to be a part of it.
Anyway I am rambling. But I do think there is something going on here. When the globalists want to censor a story, they just censor it. Everywhere. Las Vegas, Notre Dame, Seth Rich. So if something is going viral, it is probably being allowed to go viral.
You really think they have THAT much control? I mean I know they control the big outlets like Youtube and anything syndicated, but how do you think REAL truth gets out?
Surely they don't have 100% control otherwise they would still be controlling the narrative. There are always leaks, and then coverup after coverup after coverup.
As soon as the vax was rolled out, we had this Tiffany Dover video and that three-shot of the people with Bell’s Palsy that went viral. At the time I remember thinking, why aren’t they banning this? Why are they letting us share this? Shouldn’t anything against the vax be banned? And yet it wasn’t. We were allowed to share it all. That immediately made me think something was up and they WANTED people to question the vax. Same with the CDC banning the J&J and Astra? Why would they do that? They must know it will make people hesitant. People might say they were just too dangerous, but I don’t believe that makes sense. Why would they care? They would just cover it up.
It seems to me that they are definitely trying to create a two-tiered vax/anti-vax society here and are allowing stories on both sides to go viral. This is why I think they pull in guys like Brett Weinstein (who I believe is probably a Freemasonic shill) to start pushing fear about the spike proteins. Q has told us that both corporate mainstream media AND alternative media are controlled. And when you look at shows like Infowars, Louder with Crowder, Shapiro, the production value is too high to not be funded by deep pockets. Weinstein - first of all his name is WEINSTEIN - but second of all, he was also the guy who tried to start the “intellectual dark web”, a bullshit gatekeeper group designed to make normal logic and basic common sense look esoteric, strange, obscure, and dangerous. And all those controlled idiots jumped on board, thinking “intellectual dark web” made them sound badass. Owen Benjamin, who was invited and groomed for it, was the only one who said it sounded gay and didn’t want to be a part of it.
Anyway I am rambling. But I do think there is something going on here. When the globalists want to censor a story, they just censor it. Everywhere. Las Vegas, Notre Dame, Seth Rich. So if something is going viral, it is probably being allowed to go viral.
You really think they have THAT much control? I mean I know they control the big outlets like Youtube and anything syndicated, but how do you think REAL truth gets out?
Surely they don't have 100% control otherwise they would still be controlling the narrative. There are always leaks, and then coverup after coverup after coverup.