Seems the biggest question that the authorities want to evade is: if the virus did originate from the Wuhan lab, was it released by accident… or on purpose? The “Joe Biden” government is now forced to, at least, pretend that it will investigate. My guess is: they don’t want to know. It would raise enough subsidiary questions to leave a normal person panting with nausea. For instance: was China trying to soften-up the USA by disabling our economy? And soften us up… for what? Some observers who are hardly dumb or crazy think that China wants to reduce the USA to a vassal nation that can only supply China with food, oil, and other resources. Or is there aspirations by the cabal to set the course for war with China not unlike was arguably undertaken in WWI and II. We must hold the line and not take bait!
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China has a big problem because their actions after it was released were either: A) Criminal negligence B) An act of war
There is no option "C" for them and they know that the white hats are in control. They want to avoid war because we'll kick their asses and their economy will fail, but if they admit to option "A" their economy will crash because it's built on the quick-sand of continuous growth through theft of other countries wealth.
If this was poker they bluffed a HUGE hand with fake cards and someone at the table is calling them on the bluff. One way they lose the round, the other way they get removed from the game. Either way they are toast but one way certainly saves face.