HBalzanya69 1 point ago +1 / -0

That still may happen, don't loose hope. Remember that this whole thing is going to go military take over at some point and that could certainly open the door to a change on that front.

HBalzanya69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you imagine? You're Vance, you're a DS stooge, least likely to get picked for VP and BAM, now your riding shotgun with Trump. I would think it would make a lot of things very difficult to hide, like "contacts" "reaching out" to you to solicit "donations." The WH now get all of that information.

He's a stooge that will lead to the discovery of more DS actors, it's just a question of whether his cooperation is voluntary or not.

HBalzanya69 0 points ago +1 / -1

Counter point. White hats staged an attempt on Trump that they controlled the outcome to shift the narrative to something they can control.

This does a few critical things, stops the left from using violent rhetoric as the election gets closer with the hopes of starting a civil war, peels off support from what's left of the "sane" democrats (or at least demotivates them), while also showing that another institution (Secret Service) has been compromised, and shores up even more support for Trump.

Try looking beyond the surface level to find out the truth about events like this.

HBalzanya69 4 points ago +4 / -0

My understanding is that the missile was launched from a submarine that was planted there weeks or months before. They were running dark and knew AF1 schedule so they launched when the plane would be in range.

Instead, AF1 went the other way to Singapore and the sub got hit.

HBalzanya69 15 points ago +15 / -0

So now here is the big question, does the DS know they can't win so they mess everything up prior to the election or do they let it happen, steal it but it's so obvious they loose control of the narrative and then pull the pin the grenade?

That, to me, really is the big question right now. The DS will only blackout evertything once their control of the narrative is completely lost. Will that be declass then riots or stolen election then riots? Or will they play wild card and go for operation blue beam?

No matter what, it's going to be a fun next 3-6 months.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn't the huge gold drop at the beginning of the chart about the same time the US republic went broke and all this US corporation crap started?

The interesting one is the lead up to Nixon taking us off the gold standard. The whole narrative was "omg speculators in the gold market!" but it looks like it was their asses selling our gold off.

I really don't like these people.

HBalzanya69 1 point ago +1 / -0

They can't get rid of him until they take back the house. Otherwise it goes to Harris, she is DQed, and goes to Johnson. The dems have clawing backs seats but don't have enough yet so they are stuck with Biden until they do.

They have a wild card which would be to just replace him with someone else even though it's not legitimate, they dont care.

HBalzanya69 5 points ago +5 / -0

Depends on your definition of tucked up. If you're goal was to create a take no prisoners army pretending to be a religion then it's working as intended.

Side note, high level mm free Mason assholes take a blood oath to Islam, so there's that.

HBalzanya69 1 point ago +1 / -0

One of the bigger issues isn't so much that car is built in Mexico, the auxiliary parts suppliers also move to Mexico to make their parts cheaper.

So now you have a car that is assembled at a lower quality standard, at a factory that is usually newer and inexperienced, by a culture of people that don't generally don't aspire to do things correctly, with a bunch of parts made by suppliers that have the same issues but at a smaller scale which means the chances of excessive lack of quality are that much higher.

That is why the move to Mexico is usually such a poor choice. Plus, when you have a quality issue it's much harder to find and fix.

HBalzanya69 1 point ago +1 / -0

The democrats are trying to use this debate performance to tie all of the bad things that have been done as Biden's fault. Then they'll get rid of him and "it's okay everyone, we got rid of the idiot, it's all good now, we fixed it!"

My money is on Newsom. They'll just make up some bullshit about how they can jam him in to replace biden without any input from the public. Then, after the general election, they'll say "well he survived the primary in CA because everyone loves him and now he'll be president too!"

Running Big Mike is a risk on top of a risky strategy, Newsom is a safer bet. That's part of the reason I believe the white hats have been knocking the Obamas publicly with the person chef death and linking Obama to Biden. It prevents them from running Big Mike because there is too much bad press and not enough lead up.

To make a unilateral move like replacing Biden without any approval requires a "safe" candidate which, in this case, I believe to be Gavin.

HBalzanya69 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree, most of them live in a carefully crafted bubble which is what's enabled them to make the positions they're in. They very well could be seeing some of this stuff for the first time.

HBalzanya69 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they don't fake a medical emergency this one is easy. Biden is responsible for the scare event because he is a bumbling idiot. The whole country is pissed off at him for almost getting us all killed, then 2/3 of congress is not such a tall over.

Bottom line, the scare event goes down while Biden is president and, assuming that the case, securing all those steps is much easier.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Best part, leader of the country where all the LOTR movies were filmed. And they claim Golum was CGI...

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

This account has been pretty accurate on the habbenings. I've been following it with discernment for years and he/they seem to have a good 30,000 ft view.

They usually don't datefag this specifically, and the general datefagging they have done is generally on-point in retrospect

Either way, I don't see the DS allowing Trump to win the election so things will get ugly before, or directly after, November.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Technically it's a timeframefag, which is sort of like a datefag but a bit less commitment. All things considered, a July release of some sort of declass would certainly set us up for "hot" August of pissed off people, which would lead in a September of "preparation", a nuclear scare event in "red" October, and finally a "dark" November.

Either way, this next 4-6 months should be quite intense.

HBalzanya69 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's because the Supreme Court was never part of the original framework of the country. It was created as the political arm of the judiciary system to then be used by both the executive and civil branches to solidify political agendas.

Since they have no original constitutional power they're decisions don't actually DO anything other than influence other court decision-making.

HBalzanya69 7 points ago +7 / -0

See I have a few friends that pull the whole "I have nothing to hide" line and, they aren't awake enough for me to say this but, the problem is your very existence is what you have to hide from these elitist assholes.

They're long term plan is to have you consent to, and willing, dig your own grave. It's not just control for the sake of control, they want to get rid of us from the planet and if they can't do that, they'll lock us up to where they don't have to see or deal with us.

HBalzanya69 8 points ago +8 / -0

I believe this is a tactic to "get" Hunter for something small so that, when anyone brings up the other things he's done, say "omg hasn't Hunter been through enough?!"

This one is a classic case of hitting the bank robbers for j-walking to the bank they robbed.

HBalzanya69 9 points ago +9 / -0

Sounds right to me. In addition, as the law of war manual goes, this will "complete" the coup which should kick things into high gear for the white hat military.

HBalzanya69 4 points ago +4 / -0

Agreed, if the election happens they'll steal it. The other possibility is the election doesn't happen because things got too ugly so they "suspend" it. Either way, the DS cannot allow Trump back in, period, end of story.

The big question is what kind of crap we're going to have to go through leading up to, and after, the election.

HBalzanya69 10 points ago +11 / -1

Unfortunately, I think it's going to be option D, all of the above.

No matter what your opinion on Juan O Savin' is, he made a good point about the reason why we have to have faux WW3. His contention was that the missile launch detection system was required to switch control of the military from CISA to Cheyenne Mountain.

My prediction is that, just like Hawaii when they had that missile launch, the whole world will be getting something similar on their phones nearly simultaneously. This moment will be the pinnacle of the scare event in my opinion. However, there will be no nukes attached to those missiles so the damage will be far less than it would be otherwise.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

One has to wonder if this isn't done with the intent to disarm the DS elements in these countries to minimize what arms they have left to use on their people when shit hits the fan.

Those would be the vehicles they'd use to break up mass protests and perform crowd control.

HBalzanya69 5 points ago +5 / -0

If I recall correctly, it was on the way to the summit in Singapore. The sub was a Deadman sup that had been sitting there for weeks which knew the exact departure time.

Knowing the info, Trump left east rather than west which would have been the provident choice.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unfortunately, android devices pick up air tags when exposed for extended periods of time and report them to the user. They could then easily find you with your air tag data.

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