Oy Vey!
I thought I would be able to stay humble in this situation and provide the empathy required. These will be trying times on those who had the discernment and tried to share the truth about the Vax to the sheep.
At the end of the day, how do you show sympathy/empathy to someone who took a vaccine knowing to fundamental things, regardless of the media coverups.
1- The vaccine was experimental
2 - You have to sign a waiver giving your rights away because it is experimental.
These people knew, from the day they took the vaccine that if they were to DIE they have no rights. I guess it is like the user agreement on social media that no one reads. They asked to be guinea pigs for a vaccine for a overblown cold that they had a 99.7% chance of surviving if they caught it.
That last part is key. They were led to believe that there was a much greater risk from the infection. If a more accurate picture had been given, or if they knew there were treatments, their inner risk:benefit calculation would have been different. We now have a year of public pronouncements to analyze, someone already did that several months ago, and coverage was much, much more negative (dooming) in the US than in Europe.
Oy Vey! I thought I would be able to stay humble in this situation and provide the empathy required. These will be trying times on those who had the discernment and tried to share the truth about the Vax to the sheep.
At the end of the day, how do you show sympathy/empathy to someone who took a vaccine knowing to fundamental things, regardless of the media coverups. 1- The vaccine was experimental 2 - You have to sign a waiver giving your rights away because it is experimental.
These people knew, from the day they took the vaccine that if they were to DIE they have no rights. I guess it is like the user agreement on social media that no one reads. They asked to be guinea pigs for a vaccine for a overblown cold that they had a 99.7% chance of surviving if they caught it.
That last part is key. They were led to believe that there was a much greater risk from the infection. If a more accurate picture had been given, or if they knew there were treatments, their inner risk:benefit calculation would have been different. We now have a year of public pronouncements to analyze, someone already did that several months ago, and coverage was much, much more negative (dooming) in the US than in Europe.