??????How about fucking No. You lunatic.
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People like her/him/it should be deported to a socialist/communist country of our choosing after having all their assets confiscated, never to be allowed reentry. Just like the trite, petty, ugly-from-the-inside cast of Hollywood liberals who always “threaten” to leave the country if their candidate is not elected. Go. Leave. We don’t care.
They probably want a red flag with a black stenciled fist. BLM across the top, and the rainbow across the bottom.
And attached ribbon that reminds you that the Covid-19 vaccine is safe and effective.
Gotta figure there will likely end some pedo swirlie symbols on there, too.
What does she want on the flag?
Fried chicken?
Must have a new shitty song coming out. Celebrating ~25 years of creative irrelevance.
If u have nothing interesting, creative and worthwhile to sing about... chimp out about da WiPiPo on da Socials... for your measly .07 cents royalty per spin on Spotify. Kek.
The ingratitude and arrogance is, well, all too prevalent im too many places.
Bitch sit down...
We should start a gofundme for a 1-way, first class, airline ticket to any country in the world, and present it to her when it reaches the target goal of $2-3000
Im old enough to remember her fucking up the national athem.
But i cant find a single video of it
Who the f cares what she thinks? This isnt news, its paying attention to stupidity.