Anyone thinking this "Delta Variant" will eventually be branded as COVID-21 so the fear porn cycle can start again?
?? Theory ??
Or maybe not this variant but the next one that "inevitably" will come around September....
I think you are on to something here. If there is a die-off this winter - from adverse vax effects, ADE/pathogenic priming, new bioweapon etc - they need to steer fear away from the vax. How else can they get the boosters in for their various kickbacks and eugenics wet dreams? Perhaps the adverse side effects are novel, not built into the design. So they will need to blame variants, flu, unvaxxed... Governments are just so spent and bereft that this is what governance has become: tinkering with control levers. It is unsustainable. We are on the cusp of either a post-governance or total governance world.