Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the context, fren. I triangulated some of his recent output with some other articles on him this weekend - Meryl Nass (of whom I am not a fan) posted the transcript of his article and James Delingpole (of whom I am a fan) wrote about meeting him at the event he spoke at in Moldova - and I came to the (admittedly rushed and poorly discerned) conclusion he was probably legit. It certainly reads exactly how I would expect an opportunist to write, bundling up dissident narratives into something that might pass for joined-up awakened thinking. Will now spend a bit more time on a 360 view. Although he seems to be saying and doing the right things, there are some conspicuously absent narratives and observations in his assessments, and getting Meryl Nass’s blessing (who i do not trust one iota) should have been my first red flag…

Murphy71 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah. I figure it’s Globohomo’s way of getting a laugh among themselves, and probably comms.

It was particularly blatant during the jabpocalypse…


Murphy71 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lame effort, Mason.

Denis Rancourt, Ed Dowd, Steve Kirsch’s VSRF, countless honest medical freedom whistleblowers, War Room / Daily Clout’s 3000+ Pfizer trial papers’ scientific researchers, endless campaigns and campaigners, 3500+ peer reviewed, published and pre-print papers, excess mortality researchers, VAERS, Yellow Card, EUdraVigilance, VigiAccess, TGA and many other health bodies and representatives who have blown whistles or publicly apologised or banned the jabs… and many, many more… have entered the chat to tell you to remove your head from your ass.

Murphy71 6 points ago +6 / -0

“Enemies foreign and domestic…”

That’s such a tired clause. While the USA clearly has foreign adversaries across an asymmetric spectrum, it increasingly appears to be domestic enemies who have wrought more catastrophe and destruction upon the economy, people and culture of the USA than foreign enemies could dream of, invariably at the behest of, or with the active participation of said foreign enemies.

Better said would be “enemies domestic occultly masquerading as foreign…”

Murphy71 4 points ago +5 / -1

I am not convinced Andrew Bridgen is our friend.

For some good context on him from an excellent UK writer, I recommend reading this - including the links she uses and the notes/comments on the article: https://open.substack.com/pub/miri/p/a-bridgen-way-too-far?r=pezuu&utm_medium=ios

The only people who will be detonating nukes or any kind of false flag will be the same globohomo cabal spooks and kooks who have declared undeclared war against the citizens of the world via false flags since forever - assuming it is even possible to make and set off nuclear bombs because if you spend enough time down the “nukes don’t exist” rabbit hole, you may have second thoughts…

Murphy71 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your brother sounds like almost everyone I know. It wasn’t until Trump, then the scamdemic + jabocide twofer that they all showed their colors. But show them they sure did…

Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Denis Rancourt, Ed Dowd, many honest medical freedom whistleblowers, excess mortality researchers, VAERS, Yellow Card, EUdraVigilance, VigiAccess, TGA, countless countries and their health representatives who have blown whistles or publicly apologised or banned the jabs, and a whole host more… have entered the chat.

Murphy71 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m with you. I slip in and out of critical thinking mode and revert to default conditioning when faced with seemingly plausible explanations for implausible outcomes.

Like Cypher in The Matrix steak scene.

I can believe using monkey gunk to develop human vaccines probably carries an inherent risk of fatal contamination. The mechanisms presented might also fit a mental model trying to make sense of why certain vaccines are even more dangerous than all the other dangerous ones.

However, it’s all illusory. The smoke and mirrors work of corrupt, malevolent psychopaths, institutions and secret societies using nano-scale invisibility and an advanced understanding of human psychology, like conjurors and con artists, to mass murder and impoverish while enriching themselves. Widespread “immuno-deficiencies” - which we call cancers, AIDS - with concomitant mass casualty events arising from vaccine campaigns, have historical precedents, even patterns. Not because of “contaminants” where such explanations are themselves part of the deceit, but because of malign intent by design baked into the scientific field.

Murphy71 7 points ago +7 / -0

Excellent find, fren. So SV40 enzyme / virus / particle from monkeys has been a jab contaminant for a lot longer than just the c19 jab, despite synthetic alternatives that could easily replace the outdated and demonstrably harmful ground-up monkey kidneys practice. Astonishing.

So when it came out - confirmed by Health Canada - that SV40 in C19 jabs causes cancer, what they were really saying is it causes the collection of symptoms we call AIDS. And this has been known for probably half a century.


Murphy71 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nigel’s City of London Masonic handlers thank you kindly.

Murphy71 5 points ago +5 / -0

Naomi Wolf was in court in the UK last week defending the work her team did on the Pfizer documents…

Few people are as well versed in just how much fraud and fuckery went on around the trials and regulatory submissions etc


Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

They bash heads often which is frustrating. Kirsch does not come across well at times, and Kaufman is the more measured, calm debater. Awesome debate, nevertheless.

Lively comments going on in Steve’s substack:


Murphy71 5 points ago +5 / -0

I would love to believe this is to make way for something better. But we’re talking about an ancient entrenched psychopathic oligarchy - nothing happens for no reason. My guess is they are making way for a Starner slam dunk for him to take us all the way to Agenda 2030 via Net Zero, digital ID, another scamdemic, CBDCs, war with Russia... He’s WEF, Trilateral Commission, Fabián… about as full-on globalist fucknut as it is possible to be.

Good take here: https://open.substack.com/pub/miri/p/stop-starmer?r=pezuu&utm_medium=ios

Murphy71 3 points ago +3 / -0

Daily Skeptic is limited hangout. Their Editor in Chief is uber normie operative Toby Young. There has been no shortage of trying to get papers out, many more have been picked up by many other journals, sites etc. Either that or Daily Skeptic has never heard of react19 and others or the 3000+ papers in circulation. Which is impossible.


Murphy71 5 points ago +5 / -0

Owen Benjamin has been posting some hilarious stuff on Telegram about Terence Howard… full on roast with videos etc…

“I just looked up Terrance Howard’s “patents.” When he claimed to patent virtual reality, it’s just the application and is nonsense. It was never approved and if you read it and look at the diagram it is nothing. The rest of his patents are either jewelry designs, or children’s toys. They’re just collapsible shapes used for educational purposes. He also does not remember being in the womb and 1x1 does not equal “war.” As a former Hollywood guy, he talks exactly like every burned out actor on drugs at an after party. Yes there are esoteric technologies and interesting things with frequency and matter. No Terrance has no idea what he’s talking about and I’m almost positive he has actual brain damage. All of Terrance Howard’s patents are for children’s toys and random shapes. And some female jewelry. He has one for a gun that runs on electricity that he claims shoots a bullet faster than an explosion using water and electric bursts. It absolutely does not work. He’s retarded and the only reason I looked into him was because of how many people said he blew their mind. You should be embarrassed for thinking that. Deep dark shame. He said he remembers being in the womb and maybe it’s just me, but it’s very very obvious what he’s saying makes absolutely zero sense. I know 100x more about music and fractals than Terrance Howard. He’s a con man. The periodic table does not fit perfectly into the octave that’s retarded. The current 12 note structure of the piano the “well tempered clavier” is not natural. It’s a series of compromises to make it so you can play in different keys without retuning the piano. A natural tuning of a piano which would be to ratios would only sound good in the single key it’s tuned to. That was inconvenient for pianists so they compromised with the 12 note structure and octave. It’s an arbitrary division that compromises music to be more convenient. So no, the periodic table of elements does not fit perfectly with the octave as the moron claims. He’s pretending to have cracked the universal one code of all things in balance and harmony but he hasn’t. None of his examples are in any harmony. He also beat the shit out of his wives. I wonder if he got the patent on smacking his wife in front of his kids after playing make believe on camera to be a pimp. Nothing personal with Terrance I just don’t like con men.”

Murphy71 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep. Looks like Cochrane has been infected by the rot too.

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