In addition to the whole world depopulation stuff, it's been suggested that Bill Gates may also be short on GameStop. Just watch the interview below and see him squirm. Not even sure why a software engineer was invited on to the show to give financial advice. In any case, if this is true then Bill sure isn't having a good year. I sure wonder how involved Buffet is with this ticking time bomb.
I disagree. In the gamer gate era, a lot of gamers awoke to how rigged the system really is. Mainly social media and the normal media. I remember when all of these news sites at the same time had 50 articles saying pretty much the same things: gamers are dead, sexist, awful etc.
It's my belief that movies and tv had the biggest impact when it comes to brainwashing the population.
In addition to the whole world depopulation stuff, it's been suggested that Bill Gates may also be short on GameStop. Just watch the interview below and see him squirm. Not even sure why a software engineer was invited on to the show to give financial advice. In any case, if this is true then Bill sure isn't having a good year. I sure wonder how involved Buffet is with this ticking time bomb.
I disagree. In the gamer gate era, a lot of gamers awoke to how rigged the system really is. Mainly social media and the normal media. I remember when all of these news sites at the same time had 50 articles saying pretty much the same things: gamers are dead, sexist, awful etc.
It's my belief that movies and tv had the biggest impact when it comes to brainwashing the population.
I can agree with that. Wouldn't it just be the funniest thing ever that Gamestop of all things could potentially bring down their entire racket?