Wonder if that’s another reason they want to get rid of the older generation because they know too much history that the DS doesn’t want known or wants to change and if the older generation is gone there’s no one to contradict them. To say I was there at that time and your wrong.
Wonder if that’s another reason they want to get rid of the older generation because they know too much history that the DS doesn’t want known or wants to change and if the older generation is gone there’s no one to contradict them. To say I was there at that time and your wrong.
This already happens, even before the generation is gone.
Obama was a weak president. He was a phenomenal orator, had appeal because he was black. Thats about it.
He was propped up by the DS.
His policies were anti-religious, anti-conservative, he actively colluded with other countries.
He sent hundreds of billions to fund terrorists and enemies of the state. Iran.
He laundered more money than almost any other president in history.
He armed real terrorists and invited them over our border. Fast and Furious.
He increased tensions in the country and broke what they call "race relations".
Started woke culture before it had a name.
Assassinated members of US special forces as a cover up.
I could go on for hours.
The DS would have you believe he was the greatest president we ever had.