I just wanted to take a min and say i love each and every one of you here. Over the last couple of years i have pretty much been pulled away from all things and found a new home and family amongst all of you here. My blood family has distanced itself from me but all of you have stepped in to take the place. You have showed me love and support when i needed it most. You have prayed for me when all seemed lost. You have freely given your time and effort to research and provide hope and truth for me and all others here. Even though the world has descended into chaos you guys have remained hopefull and never given up. I truely am so grateful for each and every one of you. I hope some day we can all meet up because many of u have helped change my life. By the grace of God and your love and support i know we will win this fight. I love all of you. We are family now. And no one can ever take that away. Keep being the light that each of you are. God bless you all. GOD WINS
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Comments (179)
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That drop is also one of my favorites. Thanks for the reminder?! It speaks to us all and beyond ??
Do u know what the other drop they mentioned is. If u do can u link or quote it
3837 06-Feb-2020 11:40:18 PM EST 8kun/qresearch8057064 BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. More than selling of State Secrets. More than selling of US security. More than selling of MIL tech. More than selling of C_A assets. More than selling of NSA bulk data collection programs. More than selling of Uranium. More than selling of US Space NAT SEC programs & positions. More than selling of US AID.. More than selling of SAPs CLAS 1-99 ………………
They mentioned a drop about building a ship of like minded people was there one like that
Towards the middle Q speaks of ...“aiding construction or building (of a ship) of free thinkers...
3906 28-Mar-2020 3:18:02 PM EDT 8kun/qresearch8601001
I’ll try a search...
Speaks to all of us and beyond I love that