...you admit there never was a virus/pandemic. We all know, without any doubt, that no numbers reflect the notion of a pandemic, that "they" were/are merely pretending that the numbers showed that.
There will always be a 2nd variant... 3rd variant...so on and so forth, until all of you admit there's no "SuPeR dUpEr, SuPeR sCaRy ViRuS!!11!" and...STOP ARGUING ABOUT WHERE A COMPLETELY OBVISLOUSLY BULL SHIT PANDEMIC WAS "LEAKED" FROM...that argument is just another layer of the psyop onion and YOU make it real every time you engage in it.
I'm still holding by my reservations on this train of thought.
I'm open to it, but the hard sell comes from people I know having gotten sick from something far stronger than the flu or seasonal cold.
Did they just modify the seasonal cold and call it Covid? Sure, I'd concede to that middle ground.
That it never existed at all? Hmm... Not sure about that just yet.