...you admit there never was a virus/pandemic. We all know, without any doubt, that no numbers reflect the notion of a pandemic, that "they" were/are merely pretending that the numbers showed that.
There will always be a 2nd variant... 3rd variant...so on and so forth, until all of you admit there's no "SuPeR dUpEr, SuPeR sCaRy ViRuS!!11!" and...STOP ARGUING ABOUT WHERE A COMPLETELY OBVISLOUSLY BULL SHIT PANDEMIC WAS "LEAKED" FROM...that argument is just another layer of the psyop onion and YOU make it real every time you engage in it.
Originally, they used up to 45 cycles of PCR to look for "the virus".
On Biden's inauguration day, the WHO issued a memo to use lower numbers as recommended in the instructions. (Surprise, Biden's numbers look better than Trump's.) So testers could be using only 25 cycles now. That is a reduction of a million times!
Now we have the vaccine, I understand that the unvaccinated will still be subject to 25 cycles but the vaccinated will need to show symptoms (that was never required before) and be in hospital (also never required).
If those final rules had been applied from day one then there never would have been a pandemic. They needed to rig the stats to make it look like a pandemic.