He was arrested for quite a while before his death though and he wouldn't have had access to keep his dead man switch from going off, so why didn't it go off for the months he was in jail?
His deadman switch is his wife who checks in on him twice a day. Yes I am serious. And yes that is a perfectly reasonable deadman switch...if I had a deadman switch for myself, it would just be a number of people I trust to all release the same thing in a case of my death...I'd trust that more than a program every day of the week, and I am a software engineer for trade.
Why couldn't you set up a switch that worked based on any of the following criteria.
A program on a server that checks each new Instagram post, I'd he posts a certain Q image, set it off.
It could simply be a server or set of servers running such a some program. The initial server that gets triggered either has the data itself and disperses it, or it releases an encryption code, or it lights up another server, or some combination thereof.
Hell, even a program that searches Google once a day for recent "John McAfee dead" articles. If it gets one hit, or for more security, a dozen hits, boom trigger pulled.
It's not a question of if it's possible. It's a question of was it a larp, and if not, was the "machine" set into motion properly or set up to do so correctly.
He was arrested for quite a while before his death though and he wouldn't have had access to keep his dead man switch from going off, so why didn't it go off for the months he was in jail?
His deadman switch is his wife who checks in on him twice a day. Yes I am serious. And yes that is a perfectly reasonable deadman switch...if I had a deadman switch for myself, it would just be a number of people I trust to all release the same thing in a case of my death...I'd trust that more than a program every day of the week, and I am a software engineer for trade.
He was posting from prison on twitter, so he had access to the internet. If he had access to the internet, you have your answer.
3rd party for starters.
Why couldn't you set up a switch that worked based on any of the following criteria.
A program on a server that checks each new Instagram post, I'd he posts a certain Q image, set it off.
It could simply be a server or set of servers running such a some program. The initial server that gets triggered either has the data itself and disperses it, or it releases an encryption code, or it lights up another server, or some combination thereof.
Hell, even a program that searches Google once a day for recent "John McAfee dead" articles. If it gets one hit, or for more security, a dozen hits, boom trigger pulled.
It's not a question of if it's possible. It's a question of was it a larp, and if not, was the "machine" set into motion properly or set up to do so correctly.
He said he was content in Spanish prison. Maybe he didn't think it was time yet.