They are atheist and evolutionists despite all the contradictions they are confronted with.
Life is all just a big damn coincidence to them. You can't snap them out of it.
They worship humankind as a legacy that has risen to the top out of chaos on our own.
To believe the grand conspiracy, which involves great deception from our "great" leaders and idols, completely twisting history and even science and medicine, all the way back to ancient Babylon or further, is as blasphemy to their religion.
Human history is used by them to worship themselves for where we are at as being the top of evolution.
Every small red pill is rejected by them because they know where they would lead to if they were accepted.
Breaking this illusion is like proselytizing them from their religion.
Whether they admit it or not, their belief system is still based off of faith, faith of their leaders and idols.
And their faith in the lies told to them by their idols is great.
Any contradictions you bring up to someone who is making an argument for a coincidence. Or did you expect me to list off specific ones? If you wanted to name a hundred for Christianity you can feel free to.