New CCTV Footage Shows The Moment The Champlain Towers Collapsed In Surfside, Florida- There Is Speculation That McAfee's Files Were In That Building
McAfee connection is rumor
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I watched the 9/11 fake news media nonstop back in the day, then considered all the conspiracy theories that there ever were about 9/11. But not once did I ever hear any source (fake or otherwise) talk about building #6. I'm skeptical.
Absolutely, I do know that 911 was most likely an inside job. I watched on CNN a broadcaster in UK saying building 7 had collapsed 20 minutes before it actually happened. But I never heard about a building 6 going down. Are you saying 4 buildings went down instead of 3?
When I made that comment, I had not watched your video. However after viewing it, I must concede I did not know about #6. So 4 buildings went down by "2 planes". I believe the video, but sadly, I'm not surprised. That they successfully kept this so quiet, (even Alex Jones did not mention #6 and he was the one saying 911 was an inside job) is a bit of a surprise.