I don't make this post to paint myself as a victim. I would however like to maybe make a point about new comers to this site, which this site may have many more new guests once Q becomes more mainstream.
I understand many of you here have followed this for years and know the whole story. Please don't forget how it can be difficult for new people waking up and finding themselves stumbling in the dark to find their way through the mass amount of info on this subject.
I understand due to the subject matter coms needed to be coded and not all could be said or easy to find. But coming to this site and getting the feeling that many here just want to fight and insult people or call them out as a troll or glowie instantly when they don't know as much as them is disconcerting.
I know it can feel frustrating dealing with people that get things wrong or havent spent the time you have getting to know the facts, I would ask to just keep in the back of your mind to try and be kind and welcoming to anyone on this site.
Unfortunately for new people, there are no “safe spaces” here in case someone’s feelings get hurt because they got a mean reply to a post or comment.
The fact is this site gets hit with shills all the time so to the uninitiated it may seem confusing at times, even caustic. Personally, I’ll block/deport only the ones who are downright nasty or try to incite violence. As for other shills most of us will try to engage them, talk reason with them, but they’re revealing by their intent (dooming-discouragement, topic-sliding and defamation being a few examples). Learn what their techniques are if you can. They’ll hit your posts and comments so start developing a thicker skin.
You’ll find most people on here are very helpful, very understanding as long as you’re respectful.
That said, welcome. Dig into the Q drops as u/sleepydude advised, read whatever posts interest you, watch videos, etc and you’ll start to see some puzzle pieces come together. There’s a massive amount of information to learn.