Just a thought.
It would make sense to do it if they were desperate.
I'm not sure it would be effective in vilifying white supremacists, however. At this point, everyone is a white supremacist. They've cried wolf so much it means nothing now. They may have missed their window of opportunity.
Besides, even liberals I know wish Biden would just croak already. I doubt they would bother rallying in his memory.
Flynn mentioned he didn't expect a 9/11 event, and said the UFO/apocalypse stuff wasn't likely. A good ol' patsy job might be in the cards to try and 50/50 split the nation, though.
I've also heard that an ideal time for the Military to act is in between Biden stepping down and Kamala being sworn in. Technically, at that point, we would have no President, so taking out Biden at the most inopportune moment could prevent a Military intervention.
So? You think the FBI and CIA chose the old sack of crap for an easy frame job?
Anyway, don't celebrate his demise if they play that card. That's what they want.
I think it has become harder and harder to pull off false flags, as more than 1/2 the country no longer believes the messages coming from government or the media about the 2020 election for example.
Nobody believes the official story that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide.
Nobody believes that John McAfee committed suicide.
Nobody believes the official story about the Vegas shooting.
Obviously I'm not using the word 'nobody' in the literal sense. But it seems to me that their is a general sense in the country that official stories about these big events are no longer believed.
I do not believe that if the black hats have been building one of their failed MKUltra mind-damaged person with a Qanon social media history in order to assassinate Biden, it would not work. I mean it wouldn't work in the sense that the American people would be enraged and there would be universal hatred for Trump supporters and Q folk.
Doesn't everybody have the sense that Biden is not really doing President thing, but simply dottering around as window dressing? Doesn't everybody assume that Harris is going to be President, and it is just a matter of how and when?
Actually, millions of people believe the stuff you say nobody believes.
I addressed that.
But many more do not.
It’s only the group you speak of screams louder in a self created echo chamber (social media) so it seems to be much more than it really is.
There's no accounting for people who refuse to think.
(I just wanted to complete the "actually" trifecta, I don't disagree with anything you said.)