Just a thought.
It would make sense to do it if they were desperate.
I'm not sure it would be effective in vilifying white supremacists, however. At this point, everyone is a white supremacist. They've cried wolf so much it means nothing now. They may have missed their window of opportunity.
Besides, even liberals I know wish Biden would just croak already. I doubt they would bother rallying in his memory.
Flynn mentioned he didn't expect a 9/11 event, and said the UFO/apocalypse stuff wasn't likely. A good ol' patsy job might be in the cards to try and 50/50 split the nation, though.
I've also heard that an ideal time for the Military to act is in between Biden stepping down and Kamala being sworn in. Technically, at that point, we would have no President, so taking out Biden at the most inopportune moment could prevent a Military intervention.
So? You think the FBI and CIA chose the old sack of crap for an easy frame job?
Anyway, don't celebrate his demise if they play that card. That's what they want.
Remember Trump in a rally speech said; 'Joe is shot...he's shot,' Meaning, his mind is shot, he's been shot. put to death. I think there is truth to Biden = dead. It was Oct 16, 2020. Here's the video clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXe4MWaJiqA
Also just before he said that he said something like 'Remember this, they have nothing but disd... (disdain, perhaps?). Trump cut himself off and then said. 'He's just a vehicle.' Meaning; someone else is driving the bus...
Then Biden supposedly sprained his right ankle when playing with his dog Major. Dog comms? See his 'Capt Morgan' moment here in this vid clip when he's putting weight on that foot/ankle to step onto the curb! Then the Capt Morgan moment on the sidewalk where he lifts his knee. In plain sight! https://nypost.com/2020/12/03/biden-says-he-broke-foot-after-shower-when-he-pulled-dogs-tail/
And since Jan 20, 2021 other his dog Champ bit two USSS and now the dog is dead. More dog comms?