The strongs concordance of the word pharmacy is from koine Greek word for sorcery.
5331 pharmakeía (from pharmakeuō, "administer drugs") – properly, drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts, etc.
On the term pharmakeia--an abstract noun meaning sorcery, magic, the practice of magic arts.
The concrete noun is pharmakon whose primary meaning is poison; its secondary meaning is magic potion or charm to achieve a desirable objective; and its tertiary meaning is medicine, remedy, or drug for healing.
Obviously most medicine is for good causes but the link to magical arts as well is a bit of a harbinger warning of the similarities occultists love, a lot like the death vaccine they're pushing on us, drugging up children, putting flouride in drinking water, LSD testing in the 60's, illicits drugs they push, alcohol(spirits) etc
My mom explained this to us when we were young, that the Bible does talk about drug use as sorcery. She described it as drug use to reached altered states of consciousness, in that when in these altered states your mind is open to demonic spirits. It's why during LSD, mushrooms, DMT, etc, the common theme is communicating with spirits and having "religious" experiences.
So u think DMT, a natural substance made by God not by man would be bad for you? Wrong. Bible is good but read it with no religious dogma.
No. DMT is not bad for you. Using DMT to intentionally to alert your consciousness is. Congrats on your views. I'm just telling how my mother explained it to me. Happy tripping.