No you aren't going crazy. But if you are not asking the Lord for protection for your mind, when intentionally beckoning spirits of all types as you are, you are being willfully reckless. CERN did open a conduit, and they saw and heard. More than one. It was planned. And there are portals open on Earth. You are right. Something has changed. But it was bound to, and will get dramatic as good and evil collide. Darkness can't win. Just don't wander around in it and get lost, fren. None of what you mention is foreign to me. It is powerful and I had no armor. Then my life was very literally saved by divine intervention and I came to know Jesus.
I renewed my catholic faith the other day. I've stopped recording and listening. But part of me has mercy for the spirits crying for Jesus. How can I expect Christ to save me if I don't try to save those suffering spirits? There's a holy eye on me. I should probably read them the new testament atleast.
"confess your sins to no man" -Jesus Christ.
organized religion is satanic in nature, get yourself a king james bible and start reading and trying to talk to God directly through Jesus. there is no need to put faith in a man (priest, pator, shaman etc etc)
No you aren't going crazy. But if you are not asking the Lord for protection for your mind, when intentionally beckoning spirits of all types as you are, you are being willfully reckless. CERN did open a conduit, and they saw and heard. More than one. It was planned. And there are portals open on Earth. You are right. Something has changed. But it was bound to, and will get dramatic as good and evil collide. Darkness can't win. Just don't wander around in it and get lost, fren. None of what you mention is foreign to me. It is powerful and I had no armor. Then my life was very literally saved by divine intervention and I came to know Jesus.
I renewed my catholic faith the other day. I've stopped recording and listening. But part of me has mercy for the spirits crying for Jesus. How can I expect Christ to save me if I don't try to save those suffering spirits? There's a holy eye on me. I should probably read them the new testament atleast.
Try getting properly saved and start worshiping in spirit and Truth, not in a satanic religious cult.
a catholic church with a single celebate father is higher then a thousand protestant churches with married pastors.
"confess your sins to no man" -Jesus Christ. organized religion is satanic in nature, get yourself a king james bible and start reading and trying to talk to God directly through Jesus. there is no need to put faith in a man (priest, pator, shaman etc etc)
Not true....Mary was a woman and she died at the end of her days. As did the twelve and other saints. If you preach a different gospel.....
If only ALL the catholic fathers were celibate....