Heavenly Father we love you so much. We all fall short of your glory yet you show us each and every day how much you love us. We are weak and helpless with out you, but with you in our hearts we become endless potntial of love and light. Continue to awaken that spark within each of us so we may pass it on to the world. Help those that might be hurting tonight, to feel the peace and joy that only you can bring. We are yours Father. Use us for great things so we may help tomorrow be a brighter day than today. Remove any negative thoughts from the hearts of all that are here on this journey and let them see your hand at play in all things. The world is in chaos but you and your love for us is perfect. Amen
This thread is for anyone needing prayer wanting to say a prayer or just want a friend
Join us at 5pm pdt daily for 1 min of prayer for each other and the world.
Prayer warriors and children of light: we have put together a server on discord to serve God thru prayer and fellowship. All that want love and light are welcome. https://discord.gg/qUWhFrts
Check out the weekly communion thread and share any testimony you may have. God bless u all https://greatawakening.win/p/12j0MYptP2/
Amen! Thank you Slechta5614 for your daily prayer thread!
God bless u fren. Give God all the glory. I am here if u ever need prayer or a friend. Much love
God bless!!
God bless u as well fren. Hope all is well with u. Keep being the bright light that u are
God bless u prayer warrior. Much love and light God wins
God bless you as well!!!!