Frankly, DC was not the capitol when the Bill of Rights was ratified, NYC was. Washington DC can stay empty of patriots for all I care. (with the exception of a number of Congressmen and Senators) Most in DC couldn't care less about the meaning of July 4th any way. This is not to say I'd go to PA (where the Constitution was signed) or NYC (Capitol at the time) or VA (The state that cleared ratification requirements) now either. I think I'd stay away from any large gathering idea for at least two months, maybe longer. (Sadly, that might include both Constitution Day and Bill of Rights Day -Sept. 17, and Dec. 15 , respectively.)
Frankly, DC was not the capitol when the Bill of Rights was ratified, NYC was. Washington DC can stay empty of patriots for all I care. (with the exception of a number of Congressmen and Senators) Most in DC couldn't care less about the meaning of July 4th any way. This is not to say I'd go to PA (where the Constitution was signed) or NYC (Capitol at the time) or VA (The state that cleared ratification requirements) now either. I think I'd stay away from any large gathering idea for at least two months, maybe longer. (Sadly, that might include both Constitution Day and Bill of Rights Day -Sept. 17, and Dec. 15 , respectively.)