I would act. I would immediately call a press conference and announce what I know head on. At least 75 million people voted for him. If he comes out and announces the pedecult free masonry global cabal that we’re up against and that we have just filed an emergency injunction with a military tribunal where all suspected criminals will be arrested. Here is the evidence. Godspeed.
That’s what I think Trump would do and that’s what I would do. Especially if I have the evidence. The case has either been baked or it hasn’t. There is no reason to wait.
Let me ask you a follow up, I’d like to know how awake you truly are. Have you yet considered that Trump is in on it?
I have of course checked my biases and considered, could President Trump be trying to placate us to keep us inactive so that the cabal could put the final nails in the coffin without us getting in the way?
After considering the possibility for a few minutes, I decided that the evidence doesn't support that theory.
The plan was to lock the globe down for years. The lockdowns would have gone on and on but he stopped travel, against the CIAs advice. He put Fauci and Pence in charge of this shit to make sure we would know the truth about Fauci.
The fast rate of the vaccines guaranteed that they would fall under the Emergency Use act.
That made it so that the vaccine could not be mandated. He told everyone of effective treatments to give people other options than the vaccine.
President Trump gave us outs, it was up to us to decide whether to take the vaccine or not. He saved so many lives this way.
We’re on the same page. Great question.
I would act. I would immediately call a press conference and announce what I know head on. At least 75 million people voted for him. If he comes out and announces the pedecult free masonry global cabal that we’re up against and that we have just filed an emergency injunction with a military tribunal where all suspected criminals will be arrested. Here is the evidence. Godspeed.
That’s what I think Trump would do and that’s what I would do. Especially if I have the evidence. The case has either been baked or it hasn’t. There is no reason to wait.
Let me ask you a follow up, I’d like to know how awake you truly are. Have you yet considered that Trump is in on it?
I have of course checked my biases and considered, could President Trump be trying to placate us to keep us inactive so that the cabal could put the final nails in the coffin without us getting in the way?
After considering the possibility for a few minutes, I decided that the evidence doesn't support that theory.
Trump delivered the vaccine and he allowed the first lockdown aka transfer of wealth.
The plan was to lock the globe down for years. The lockdowns would have gone on and on but he stopped travel, against the CIAs advice. He put Fauci and Pence in charge of this shit to make sure we would know the truth about Fauci.
The fast rate of the vaccines guaranteed that they would fall under the Emergency Use act.
That made it so that the vaccine could not be mandated. He told everyone of effective treatments to give people other options than the vaccine.
President Trump gave us outs, it was up to us to decide whether to take the vaccine or not. He saved so many lives this way.